
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nasi Padang, My Previous Dinner

          Just a few hours ago, I was hungry. I decided to go buying Nasi Padang. I ordered rice, perkedel kentang, tempe tepung, perkedel jagung, tahu cabai, daun singkong, and a lot of chillies. Yup, the chillies part which I like =D.  I ordered so much that when I ate it, it made me stomachache XD. It didn't stop me to eat it, but it made me want to eat more because of the balanced hot taste XD. Oh, I only have to paid Rp 8.000 (Around $0.88 now) but I was very satisfy because the rice is so many XD.

That is the picture of Nasi Padang I ate. Look, you see the crossed symbol on the pin there? That is my special emblem pin. It is a sign of Undefinity. It is also called the Unvirus. There is only one right now since I exlusively order one.

That is the perkedel kentang I ate, it tasted a lot like potato and got meshed before fried. Because it tastes so delicious, I bit them little by little instead of eating it last in single bite.

That is the tempeh tepung I ate. Because it gotten cold, it not as hard as it was cooked before. Perhaps I buy it quickly after just got cooked for harder and crispier effect? =D

This is the perkedel jagung I ate. Look, a red chili is hiding there waiting to act when get eaten, lol. It tastes so sweet like the corn before being meshed.

The fried tofu, it is colder than before which made it not as soft as before when just cooked. Still, it is like a pillow, but added with chillies which made it a yummy hell on pillow, lol.

This is the only vegetable I ate. It was a bit bitter, but since it is my taste, it boosts my appetite which why I ate it first before the others.

1 comment:

  1. huahahhahahahha.. padah vsio mah.. aku kira nasi padang d gambar 3d ternyata nasi padang beneran.. =)) btw: sama sekali g da masakan padangnya selain sayurnya.. huahahahhahahaha...
