
Thursday, May 26, 2011

McDonald: Egg Burger

          Yay, this time I have diffferent burger again from McDonald. It is Egg Burger. Unlike the Beef Burger and Spicy Chicken Burger,  this one can only be purchased only at Breakfast Menu (In my place, it is 5.00 a.m to 11.p.m.). This one is not meat, but as the name said, it is egg. The content of the bun is the egg with some mayonnaise in it. For the price, it is same as the Beef Burger and Spicy Chicken Burger which is Rp 8.000,- (Rp 8.800 including the tax). I really like this one, too bad it is only appear at the Breakfast Menu.

This is the Egg Burget packet before I opened it. Unlike the Beef Burger and Spicy Chicken Burger packet, this one is yellow while the other both is white. Now, let's open it and see how is the egg look like.

Ah, the Egg Burger from outside after being opened. It may looks same like the Beef Burger and Spicy Chicken Burger if looked from above. But, let's open the top bun of the burger.

Ah, it is really showing the egg. The egg is so fluffy :3. The shape is also clean. I wonder if they are using a certain tool to shape it? Probable yes XD. Ah, when I ate it, it is really like eating a roast with egg on it XD.


  1. Haha. Sepertinya kamu suka banget ama McD, banyak makanan isinya McD semua :D

  2. @dneeid:
    Iya nih :3. Tp aku juga suka kok dgn makanan lokal dan fotonya juga banyak :3.
    Tp skr lagi ke McD soalnya bentar lagi aku mau pulkam, jadi daripada gak ada kenangan, mending kufoto2 dulu :3. (Dulu soalnya gak difoto2 dulu apa yg dimakan, jadi sayang kalau dah makan, trs lupa kenangannya)

  3. aduh laper... kenapa ada pin lambangmu? XD

  4. @risnadi:
    Biar itu mastiin asli aku yang moto, soalnya pin itu cuma ada satu di dunia saat ini XD. Pemiliknya cuma aku XD.
