
Sunday, May 22, 2011

McDonald Chili Sauces

          Having eating McDonald menu sometimes, I often get the McDonald sauce packages which the number is  more than I can consume. So, instead of throwing them, as long they have long food endurance, I need to  save them so I can use it with another dish when I home. They were so many but I can't eat them all because the other time, I greedly ate them all and I had a very bad stomachache XD. That time I learned not to eat too much sauce at the same time.

That is how many sauce I had that time. So many which makes me don't want to count them because keeping the number mystery sometimes is good.


  1. aku ngumpulin karena dikasih sausnya kelebihan =))
    daripada dibuang, kasian tuh masih bisa digunakan kalau udah pulang kampun =))
