
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rock Lava Floor

          I made an art using GIMP again. This time I made Rock Lava Floor. I use orange background color first. Then, I made another layer again. Then, I added more layer. After that, I added more darker orange color since it is transparent. Then, I added Mosaic effect to create the floor. For more deeper shading, I added Bump Map filter with medium Depth set. Then, I created another layer again by adding Plasma filter. Then, I desaturated the color. Then, for the Mosaic floor layer, I added Bump Map effect with the Plasma-ed layer to add rocky effect to the floor.


  1. Sangat kreatif!,
    buatan sendiri kan? XD
    Using GIMP again!

  2. @SerpentZ:
    Makasih XD
    Iya, buat sendiri XD
    Pakai GIMP :3

  3. @risnadi:
    Thx :D
    tp masih ada yg lbh bagus dari punyaku :hammer:

  4. Saya tunggu yg lebih bagus lagi, Ato jangan-jangan udah di post

  5. @SerpentZ:
    Belum kok, tp nanti aja XD
