
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nasi Padang: Cabai Merah, Perkedel Kentang, Sayur Kangkung, Perkedel Jagung, Telur Ceplok Cabai, and Tempe Tepung + Kusuka: Keripik Singkong

          The other time, I ate Nasi Padang again. The combination that time is Nasi Padang: Cabai Merah, Perkedel Kentang, Sayur Kangkung, Perkedel Jagung, Telur Ceplok Cabai, and Tempe Tepung + Kusuka: Keripik Singkong. A lot of combination. I also added a cassava chips for adding different flavor. Ah, I ate it with crispy bite because of the cassava chips.


  1. nasi padang kurang lengkap kalau nggak pake ayam gule :p

  2. @Faiz:
    Yang ayam gulai udah dicoba kemarin2 XD
    Ada di postingan sebelumnya XD
    Kalau sekarang, ganti ayam gulai ke ayam balado XD.

  3. @risnadi:
    Perkedel donk :D
    Gak ada bakwan waktu beli :D
